New Contest!

weird fact contest! Submit your weird fact via e-mail or in the quick submission form below to enter now. all entries will be posted here for people to comment and vote on.

Thanks to the unbelievable amount of support from our readers we can now offer this new contest! The winner will receive a pair of earrings or piece of jewlery (depending on if they are male or female) from our sister site.

Are you a guy? no worries, you can participate too! Male winners will receive a ring of their choosing from our male sizes selection or one of the many knives we have available there. which will be e-mailed to the winner (bet your wondering why there is no link here to view the male rings) well....the reason for this is simple. we have so many jewelry items available we have not as of yet had a chance to post them all on our sister site yet. But we have a HUGE selection of rings & something to suit every one's tastes.

Make sure to fill out the e-mail section in the form below or you will not be eligible for the contest, as we need a way to contact the winner of our contest.

submit contest information




This is where we will post various reader contests hosted by Raven's World

As always you can trust me to be 100% honest with YOU my faithful readers, And notify you in advance that this is just an idea I had, and thought it would make it fun your all of you faithful fans out there in cyberland. So if you have any ideas for prizes or ways we could have our readers compete in various off the wall contests (because you KNOW that nothing about these contests can be boring and they HAVE to make you laugh or somehow keep you entertained, so if any of my wonderful readers would like to offer a suggestion for a contest we could hold, or just any old whacked out idea you might have please feel free to send in your media/contest submission. There is no stupid idea, Some of my best ideas came from very simple beginnings...Besides...This site is about catering to it's readers,  and the only way we can do that is if great people like YOU send your stuff in!
So put the bong down for a second, and help us to help YOU! lol! (ok...we know that was kind of corny...But on a serious note....we don't know what you want to see until you ask for it, so don't be shy! Send me an e-mail! you will NOT get an automated response but rather a personal e-mail hand typed by me to YOU my faithful reader. so what's it gonna hurt, worst happens you make a friend. so WHY haven't you clicked on the submit your content link yet? I accept virtually any form of media, animated HTML content, even website links if they are good enough (however...I'm not a big fan of plastering my site with a lot of crappy ads. That's what MySpace is for. lol) So enough procrastination already, click the danged link and get your stuff sent in. The first person to send something good enough to post here may even get a little gift in the mail from our sister site for their trouble, only way to find out is if you submit your content !


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